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Sigil Cane Corso Puppy Application

Important Notice to Prospective Puppy Owners Please Read


Before submitting your information or a puppy application, we kindly ask that you consider your intent seriously. Sigil Cane Corso is dedicated to finding the best matches for our puppies, ensuring they go to homes ready to meet their needs. Our puppies come from original, old-line Cane Corso known for their impeccable temperaments. However, they require significant time, effort, and dedication to thrive.

Communication is Key

We value open and prompt communication with potential owners. If you submit an application, please be prepared to engage with us through email, text, or phone calls. Unresponsiveness will be taken as a sign of disinterest or lack of readiness for the responsibility of owning a puppy. This lack of engagement is not only a concern for us but also indicates a potential future disinterest in the well-being of the puppy. Therefore, if we do not receive timely responses, we may decide not to proceed with your application.

Commitment to Your Future Puppy

Owning a Cane Corso is a significant commitment. These dogs, while loving and loyal, require dedicated training, socialization, and care. We interpret lack of communication as a lack of genuine interest and commitment, which are crucial for the well being of our puppies. This stance is to ensure our puppies' lifelong happiness and to uphold the quality and reputation of the Sigil Cane Corso lineage.

Please only submit an application if you are serious about welcoming a Cane Corso into your life. For those interested in pricing, information is available on the 'Available Puppies' page of our website. Be aware that failure to communicate or engage in the application process may result in your removal from our consideration list permanently.

We thank you for your understanding and interest in Sigil Cane Corso. Our priority is to ensure the best outcomes for our puppies and their future families.

Application Process

Please only submit an application if you are seriously considering welcoming a Cane Corso into your life. Our application process is designed to ensure that both the potential owners and the puppies are well-suited for each other.

  1. Initial Contact: Once we receive your application, we will reach out to you via email, text message, or phone call. This step allows us to establish initial communication and begin getting to know you better.

  2. Contract and Agreement: After we have communicated and feel comfortable with the arrangements, we will send you a contract to review and sign electronically. This contract outlines the responsibilities of both parties and ensures the well being of the puppy is prioritized.

  3. Placing a Deposit: Once the contract is agreed upon, you will have the opportunity to place a deposit on your selected puppy from those available, or secure your future spot for selection. This deposit is a commitment to your chosen Cane Corso and solidifies your intent to provide a loving, prepared home.

For those interested in pricing and availability, information can be found on the 'Available Puppies' page of our website. Please be aware, failure to communicate or engage meaningfully in the application process may result in permanent removal from our consideration list.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to potentially welcoming you into the Sigil Cane Corso family. Our priority is to ensure the best outcomes for our puppies and their future families by establishing a foundation of communication and commitment from the start.

Breeding Rights

At Sigil Cane Corso, we understand the apprehensions many prospective owners may have regarding the breeding rights of their future companions. It's a common concern that breeders might restrict the ability to breed, often leading to hesitancy in disclosing intentions about breeding. We want to address these concerns head-on and reassure you of our unique stance.

As a dedicated biologist and passionate Cane Corso breeder, I am deeply committed to the conservation and enhancement of the breed's genetics. Our philosophy transcends the mere sale of puppies; we are invested in the betterment of the Cane Corso genetic pool. We recognize that the breed faces challenges with genetic diversity and health, and we believe that responsible breeding practices are key to correcting these issues. Unlike many, who might withhold breeding rights to control the market, our approach is fundamentally different. We advocate for the propagation of superior genetics, which we are proud to say our old-line Cane Corsos possess.

Our breeding program is designed with the future of the breed in mind. We meticulously evaluate each puppy to ensure they meet the high standards required for breeding – standards that not only consider physical health but also genetic robustness and temperament. When you come to us, please do so with honesty about your breeding intentions. We want to foster a community of transparency and trust. It is our firm belief that by allowing and supporting the breeding of our Cane Corsos, under the right conditions, we contribute to a larger goal: the genetic conservation and enhancement of this magnificent breed.

We encourage you to answer our application questions truthfully, including any plans for future breeding. Rest assured, your honesty will not disqualify you from owning one of our puppies. On the contrary, we are more than happy to grant breeding rights to those individuals and families who share our vision of improving and preserving the genetic lineage of the Cane Corso. Our commitment is to the breed's future, and we welcome those who are ready to join us in this important endeavor.

Together, let's work towards a healthier, stronger Cane Corso breed. Your openness and honesty are not just welcome; they are essential. We look forward to partnering with you in the noble pursuit of genetic conservation for the benefit of Cane Corsos worldwide.


Sigil Cane Corso Puppy Application
Did you read the information at the top of the page?
Are you intrested in getting a puppy now from one of our availiable litters or one in the future
What sex would you prefere
What Color puppy do you prefere
Do you want your Cane Corso to have Cropped ears (we recomend cropped ears but we will facilitate the customers preference)
Do you want to pick your puppy up in person? Have us fly it to you or would you like to fly in to our local airport and have us meet you so you can fly home with your puppy?
Do you now or have you ever owned a large breed dog, mastiff or Cane Corso
Are you a breeder (this does not disqualify you from owning one of our dogs)

Please Click the CAPTHCA below

Once the application is complete please click the submit Application button


Thanks for applying we will be in touch!

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